Our Vision

Change begins at home


We are living in a world that is drowning in waste, hurting our climate and destroying our biodiversity . It is contributing to the disintegration of our societies and environment. Our short term use of things has affected all aspects of our lives and has negatively impacted our behavior, our surroundings and nature like never before.

There is an urgent need for change, and we strongly believe that change only starts within the units of society that is our home and our local communities. Change will come through education, changing our consumer habits towards less consumption and purchase of products that have long term use and managing properly our own personal waste. Change comes by pressuring municipalities to implement zero waste legislation where cradle to cradle policies and waste management will be properly executed. Change will come by guiding businesses towards management of their outputs as well as the impact of their products, eradicating embedded obsolescence and removing single and short term use products. Helping, supporting and guiding entrepreneurs and small business towards zero waste commerce and finding new economic value and jobs that sustain it.

It is our obligation as a society to take action now.


Debora Oppenheimer

We are better than this, lets create a livable future.

We are better than this, lets create a livable future.