Sponsor a Campaign

There will be several ways of engaging; is it by donating, developing a local chapter, supporting research and implementing educational programs. Most of all carry out in our homes a proper way to manage our waste and promote the behavior. Soon we will have the several ways people can join our movement and help solve this crisis.

Together we can create change.


Educational Programs

We will be working closely with Universities to develop educational programs for different levels of understanding to reach all of our community members and help them manage their waste properly and implement change in their lives and communities.

Legislation Development

Working with People specialized in Waste Management and law we hope to develop detailed programs that can be implemented and can work with municipalities to change the way we tackle the problem of waste and force change.


Creating a local Chapter

We depend on the community strength to create change. Grassroots movements have proven to be a fast and efficient way for communities organize and to be properly represented and join to voice their concerns. We are here to guide and support local Chapters to implement proven programs developed by scholars to create education, legislation and commerce that will result in zero waste solutions.  

Supporting Local Commerce

By supporting existing small business owners, and entrepreneurs to move towards zero waste initiatives we will create new jobs and solutions to incentive people towards a sustainable economy that is beneficial for all.